Recursive Open Source
- Recursion
- See "Recursion".
For a better explaination see Wikipedia.
- TACACS+ Patch for tac_plus to use PAM (and thus via nsswitch.conf also LDAP, Kerberos, etc) authentication. Next to that matching can be changed, so that a more object oriented approach to configuring can be used.
Generates email aliases and a LDAP ldiff file based on permutations
of the username. Usage:
$ ypcat passwd|ypcat -d ${nisdomain} passwd |\ awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{ printf("%s:%s\n", $1, $5) } }'| \ myaliases -ag >/etc/nisaliases
- Kickd. watches directories and starts a script on modification. Kickd is the more generic successor of niswatcher.
- Niswatcher. watches NIS databases and starts a script on modification. Such a script could possibly generate new email aliases with myaliases.
- pmud. an Apple PPC Power Management Unit Daemon. This package is no longer maintained. See pbbuttons for a replacement.
- Blender. Javascript to blend images. This creates a 'slideshow' effect. See the sourcecode for instructions.
- ImageFlow. Very nice javascript to show images. Official homepage is . This page contains only my patches to ImageFlow. The latest version with my patches is testable here.
'In no particular order'...
- Orange Heart een liefdadigheidsproject waarmee geprobeerd wordt de kinderen van Fukushima, na de ramp van 2011 in Japan, te steunen.
- IT Functions Professional IT Support in Open Source and Open Standards.
- Aikido Centrum Leiden a healthy mind in a healthy body.
- Karateschool Taiyo another healthy mind in a healthy body.
- Kewill Supply Chain Management software.
- Productiondesign Katwijk webdesign.
- OpenWRT embedded Linux for wireless routers.
Currently only a Dutch paper is available.
Klassieke Cryptografie
Ik vond ergens op mijn harddisk nog een oud werkstuk uit medio 1995.
De inhoud is klassiek, dus nog steeds aktueel. Google bestond nog niet, in die tijd was Altavista de zoekmachine.
Hier is het werkstuk 'Klassieke Cryptografie'. Aangezien alle links en referenties uit het werkstuk ook uit medio 1995 stammen, zullen vele ervan niet meer bestaan of de toenmalige inhoud bevatten ;-)
- The contents is realised with validated xhtml.
- The layout is realised with validated CSS.
- The interactivity (i.e. the tabs) is realised with javascript.
- The page is composed out of several files with php.
- The sourcecode is written with the famous UNIX editor 'vi'.
- This page is served by Apache and hosted on a Linux system.